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Interactive Installation using recycled materials

“Play is to be in the world; a form of understanding what surrounds us and a way of engaging with others”

Miguel Sicart, 2014.



This work potentially encourages play in a way that might facilitate a break from the stresses of everyday life. It steps away from the slick modern technology that can consume and overwhelm. Instead, this is an assemblage of found and re-purposed parts, that would otherwise be considered junk. They are made to function like the machines of a backyard inventor.


Using locally sourced, reclaimed materials, this work came about through a process of discovering how random objects may fit together. Working with the idea that ‘play’ is the most important part of any creative process, it is my intention to create objects that invite the same playfulness in the viewers.


By handing over the ‘act’ of art-making to the audience, I am subverting in a playful manner the traditional process. As ‘machines’ they allow chance to become a factor in the production of work.  Embracing the irregularities and imperfections created from the clunky contraption, but also allowing the audience to become ‘chance’ participants of the work.


Dealing with ideas of play, participation, low-tech, human interaction and impermanent outcomes this work challenges the usual expectations of a contemporary gallery experience.

  • Bobbie Gray Instagram
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